Ozzie Solar Clean was one of the first companies to supply quality solar panel bird proofing mesh to deter birds from nesting under home solar panel systems. Ozzie Solar Clean's extensive experience in the installation of bird proofing on domestic and commercial solar panels allows us offer you a 5 year product and installation warranty for total peace of mind.
The underside cavity between the solar panel and the roofing material is a perfect location for feral pigeons to build nests and raise young. Depending on the number of solar panels, you could have over 30-40 birds roosting and nesting on your roof top. Ozzie Solar Clean installs mesh to prevent bird entry without modification or damage to the solar panels which could void your panel warranty. Each mesh installation is custom made to fit your solar system so that the finished product looks professional and prevents any chance of bird re-entry to the underside of your panels.
Our system is easy to remove and re-install. We use threaded solar panel clips so that you can unscrew and re-install if needed. Threaded clips also provide a positive fixing for the mesh that cannot be easily moved by pest birds.
As part of the service for mesh installations, we clean rooftops around and under the solar panels to remove nesting material and droppings which may have built up over time. This is generally time consuming and hard to do work but essential before enclosing your solar panels as the dropping / nest build ups cause damage to your roof surface and also have the ability to block guttering and downpipes which may cause flooding of your home during rain downpours.
Ozzie Solar Panel birdproofing Mesh is Strong and Durable
Ozzie solar panel mesh is stronger and more durable than cheap imported products available on the internet. The flimsy imported mesh can allow birds to reposition the cheap product and regain access to the solar panels. Pigeons are strong and very determined to build nests and seek safety from predators, so cheap inferior products will eventually fail. Typically the clipping system sold with these systems is also of a poor standard.
We have invested in a quality mapping system to provide over the phone (or email) quotes for bird proofing with very high accuracy. We also provide you an image of the mapping used which indicates the total measurements used to calculate the costs of your meshing system.
Call for further information and an obligation free quote for your bird problems.
- 10% Discount when any pest control or termite inspection service is booked at the same time as your solar panel clean on the total cost.
- Complimentary solar cleaning when any pigeon proofing work is carried out on your solar system
- Before and after images with damage reporting
- Complimentary reminder service.
- 5 year product and installation warranty on Solar Panel Bird Proofing.
- Quality established company with enviable reputation.
- Over the phone / email quoting system for highly accurate proposals
- Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee on Solar system cleaning