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Ozzie Solar Clean

Solar Panel Cleaning

Regular cleaning of you solar panels will help to ensure you get the full financial benefit of your solar system investment.

Commercial Solar Panel Cleaning

Ozzie Solar Clean

Commercial Solar Panel Cleaning

Ozzie Solar Clean can clean small residential or domestic solar systems as well as larger commercial solar panel installations

Solar Hot Water Cleaning

Ozzie Solar Clean

Solar Hot Water Cleaning

Solar Hot Water systems also heed to be to be kept clean to ensure maximum efficiency

Solar Panel Bird Proofing

Ozzie Solar Clean

Solar Panel Bird Proofing

Ozzie Solar Clean also install quality solar panel bird proofing mesh to deter birds from nesting under your solar panel systems

Ozzie Solar Panel Cleaning Services

Solar Panel Cleaning

solar panel cleaningSolar panels need to be cleaned regularly to ensure they are providing their maximum electricity for your home or business.

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Bird Proofing

bird proofing solar panelsOzzie Solar uses mesh that is designed to prevent pest birds and debris from accumulating in the area beneath solar panels.

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Ozzie Pest Control

Ozzie Pest Control10% Discount on your Solar Panel Clean when combined with a Pest Control or Termite inspection by Ozzie Pest Control.

Go to Ozzie Pest Control

Solar Hot Water Cleaning

solar hot water cleaningRegular maintenance and cleaning of your Solar Hot Water Panels will ensure that you are receiving the maximum benefits for your system.

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Residential Solar Cleaning

residential solar panel cleaningOzzie Solar Clean will clean your low or high set home's solar panels from one up to 100 or more.

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Commercial Solar Cleaning

commercial solar panel cleaningCommercial and Industrial Solar Panel Systems will also benefit from an Ozzie Solar clean.

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Contact Details

(07) 3288 8012

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