It is quite likely that when you purchased your solar system the salesperson told you that the panels never needed cleaning as occasional rain would wash them clean. Sadly this is not the case and dirt and grime will slowly block some of the light that makes the solar system function. Rain does not wash your vehicle nor does it clean solar panels.
Ozzie Solar Clean uses the latest technology equipment and Pure water to clean the solar panels. No chemicals or detergents that could damage the panels are used and the purified water dries without leaving any streaks or spots. Tap water should not be used as it contains a number of minerals which are not harmful to humans but can leave deposits on the panels when the water evaporates.
Solar panels are cleaned using our Ionic Systems pure water system which uses a process of de-ionization and reverse osmosis to provide a completely clean streak free finish without the use of any harsh chemicals. There is also a lot of elbow grease and hard work involved in removing the dirt and grime build up which occurs rapidly during the course of a year.
Ozzie Solar Clean include a before and after photograph service on each cleaning service. This will also document any damage found on the panel glass, wiring or frames. If nesting pigeons are located, we can provide on the spot cost options to resolve the issue quickly. We have a large range of products available to us to ensure the prefect solution to your problem.
We offer a reminder service to let you know when your system clean is due. This helps to maintain maximum efficiency of your solar panels and removes the need for you to diarize your yearly solar clean appointments.
Why use Ozzie Solar Clean?
- 10% Discount when any pest control or termite inspection service is booked at the same time as your solar panel clean on the total cost.
- Complimentary solar cleaning when any pigeon proofing work is carried out on your solar system
- Before and after images with damage reporting
- Complimentary reminder service.
- Free cleaning of Solar Hot water system glass in combination with a paid solar panel clean.
- Pure water cleaning system – NO harsh chemicals used.
- Quality established company with enviable reputation.
- Over the phone / email quoting system for highly accurate proposals
- Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee on Solar system cleaning